Bitlocker and How to Use BitLocker: A Complete Guide


Let us walk you through how to utilize BitLocker, how the technology works behind the scenes, the OS requirements for BitLocker, and everything else you might want to know about this tool. 

If you have important files, software, or other information on your computer, you should install Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption. But if you're one of the many folks who wonder, "How does BitLocker work?" then this article is for you.

Today we'll go over how to utilize BitLocker, how the technology works behind the scenes, the OS requirements for BitLocker, and anything else you need to know about this tool! 

What is BitLocker disk encryption?

If you're wondering which Windows function you may use to encrypt a hard drive volume? Yes, that's BitLocker. Microsoft BitLocker is a Windows native security feature that encrypts everything on the drive where Windows is installed. You may encrypt computers or drives, and full-volume encryption ensures that only individuals with the necessary encryption key can decrypt and access your files and data. 

What is BitLocker used for? Great question! BitLocker drive encryption is used to prevent unauthorized access to a computer's operating system drive. Password-encrypting a computer's operating system drive allows you to keep any files, photos, or data secure and away from prying eyes.

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How Does BitLocker Work?

BitLocker operates by leveraging a hardware component known as a TPM, which stands for Trusted Platform Module. BitLocker will generate a recovery key for your hard drive, requiring a precise pin number every time you restart your computer to gain access. There will also be a recovery key in case you forget your password. You should keep this recovery key somewhere safe that is not connected to the PC or on an easily hackable USB flash drive.

What is the advantage of utilizing BitLocker?

BitLocker is designed to safeguard computers and hard drives from data leaks and invasions. The key advantages are:

It encrypts your entire drive using the TPM module, offering a high level of security.

You can configure BitLocker to save keys automatically to Active Directory.

There are no additional licensing costs because this is a native Windows function.

Impact on read performance is negligible, and no impact on write performance.

Simple set-up (Continue reading for a step-by-step walkthrough on Windows 10)

What are the requirements for using BitLocker?

  • Not all systems or encrypted disks support BitLocker. Windows currently supports the following operating systems:

  • Ultimate and Enterprise editions of Windows 7 and Vista (Ensure TPM version 1.2 or above is installed, enabled, and activated.)

  • Pro and Enterprise editions of Windows 8 and 8.1

  • Windows 10 Editions: Pro, Enterprise, and Education

  • Windows Server 2008 or later.

  • In addition, you must be logged in as an administrator on the PC and have access to a printer to print the recovery key.

How to Enable BitLocker on Windows 10

To enable BitLocker, navigate to the Start menu search box and type Manage BitLocker. You may find this under Device Encryption or as a separate setting in the control panel. BitLocker data protection is not supported on Windows 10 Home. If a "Turn on BitLocker" option is present, simply click it. You will be prompted with a few settings; let us go through them one by one.

First, Windows will examine your system settings and configuration to ensure that you can utilize BitLocker. For example, if your TPM module is turned off, Windows will immediately switch it on. You may need to restart your computer one or more times, so ensure that any open work is done and/or saved. 

Before encryption begins, you will be prompted to provide a password and, perhaps, a recovery password. This will need to be entered every time you access your PC or drive, even before the operating system starts. You can enter this manually or with a USB flash disk. At this stage, you will also select your recovery key settings, which will be required if you are unable to access your computer using the pin number.

With Windows 10 BitLocker, you can save the file to your Microsoft account, a flash drive, a local or cloud file, or print the recovery key manually.

After selecting Next, you will be invited to select how much of your drive to encrypt. You will have two volume encryption options: "used disk space only" and "whole drive". Used disk space is speedier, making it an excellent choice for new PCs and drives, whereas the entire drive is preferable for those that are currently in use. However, if you choose the entire drive, the encryption procedure will take significantly longer. 

On Windows 10 builds 1511 and up, you'll also be prompted to select an encryption option, which can be compatible or new. Compatible is ideal for detachable drives that will be used with older versions of the Windows operating system. You will most likely need to select 'new' for your storage disk. Don't forget to click the "Run BitLocker system check" button to ensure that Windows checks your system before starting the encryption process.

You will now need to restart your computer manually and input the password for the first time. At this point, you will be asked if you are ready to encrypt, and you will simply confirm.

How long will it take to encrypt with BitLocker?

Great question! It can undoubtedly vary depending on how much data there is to encrypt, as well as how intensive the work you do while the encryption process is on. It can take as little as 20 minutes on new machines, but it can also take 2 or 3 hours at the other end of the scale. If you're in a hurry, avoid using the device while it's being encrypted, or think about whether "used disk space only" is the best option for your security needs.

What happens if I wish to decrypt using BitLocker?

If you decide you no longer want to utilize BitLocker to secure your data, return to the managed BitLocker or device encryption settings in the control panel, where you will find the same button to switch off BitLocker. When the operating system prompts you, affirm your option, and the system will begin decrypting automatically. 

That's all, guys!  

So that's all! We hope you found it helpful in deciding whether or not to utilize BitLocker, as well as understanding how to use the functionality of this device encryption technology, which is natively available on Windows. BLR Tools is one of the best data recovery software that provides all types of data recovery. If you want to recover your lost data, BLR Bitlocker recovery tool is helpful for you.  If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact our BLR team; we are here to help at any time.    

Also Read : Tips to Recover Data from Synology NAS Drive 


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